16 symptoms of a spiritual narcissist and how to manage all of them – Hack Spirit

Narcissists overall tend to be difficult work, but religious narcissists simply take points to the next level.

And what’s worse is the fact that it is not constantly very easy to spot one – their particular mask of spirituality causes us to be think that they cann’t possibly be narcissistic.

Although very thing they work to maneuver past (the pride) is exactly what requires command over them and causes a feeling of entitlement or spiritual arrogance towards others.

It is all wish destroyed for anyone who’s got dropped prey with their pride?

Should we be avoiding spiritual narcissists at all costs and banishing these to their own religious retreats?

And within the leading signs and symptoms of a spiritual narcissist, we’re in addition planning take a look at how to deal with them spiritually, and if the ego is overcome.

But initially, let’s start off with the basics:

What exactly is a religious narcissist?

The chances have you been’ve encounter those hateful pounds before you put a reputation to it: spiritual narcissists.

Quite simply, this is where an individual, unconsciously, makes use of their own spirituality to improve their unique pride.

They’ve got a manner of displaying their spirituality and looking upon people who they feel are much less spiritually advanced because they are – put bluntly they are rather frustrating is around.

They will hound their opinions and dismiss anything that questions their own reasoning or study.

If you’ve ever outdated a spiritual narcissist, they will make use of technical terminology and defensiveness to allow you to feel like things are the failing, all underneath the disguise of trying to “helping you find your own spirituality”.

Why will they be that way?

Well, in most variants of narcissism, there can be an inflated feeling of “self”.
are known for:

  • Having a good sense of entitlement
  • Inadequate empathy for other people
  • Feeling better than other individuals
  • Becoming manipulative attain what they need

Once it gets religious narcissism, it’s because anyone has begun pinpointing only as a “spiritual person”.

Their own spirituality is exactly what they shape their identification about, and it’s really possible for them to spiral when this occurs.

How does this happen?

Well, it is because of this
spiritual ego
, which we are going to protect subsequent.

The spiritual ego and development of religious narcissism

The religious ego exists through
spiritual materialism

The phrase was actually at first coined by Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, also it clarifies the whole process of the pride latching on to religious progress and accomplishments to feel boosted.


Somebody rapid to boast about how well they reflect or practice yoga to reach a higher link might be suffering from spiritual egoism.

Or, an individual who thinks their particular method of doing spirituality surpasses other people, and exactly who does not want to hold an open head about different ways of attaining a higher religious level.

The problem is, after you begin considering you “perfected” spirituality, you are currently not even close to real life and not the journey you at first intended to just take (ahead of the pride got involved).

Exactly Why?

Since thereisn’ end goal, there is no test to take and pass by the end which lets you know’ve connected on an increased degree, it isn’t a program that you take to get a certificate by the end.

That simply does not take place – it really is a continuous process, there’s never ever an end to it.

Although spiritual ego doesn’t want you to know that; it’ll blind you to the method that you react and just how much you have wandered from your initial path.

For a first-hand profile of exactly what getting a spiritual narcissist is like, and just how easy it really is to-fall to the ego trap, view this video clip below of Ideapod’s creator, Justin Brown, as he talks you through his journey and the different levels of religious pride:

As soon as religious pride has had more than, a religious narcissist is born.

Additionally the truth is, the religious pride can take devote anybody, wherever you are in your journey.

Its rather normal particularly at the outset of
religious awakening
whenever all things are exciting plus mind is humming with all the current brand new religious ideas you’re researching.

Let’s be honest, it feels very good.

It’s a thrill, it seems “right” plus the pride views an opportunity to get into on the motion and drive you even further towards narcissism.

But that is exactly why understanding regarding signs and symptoms of the religious pride and religious narcissism can help individuals accept it straight away and try to move forward from it.

So without further ado, let us get directly to the indications, and after, we are going to include what you can to spiritually handle narcissists.

16 indicators of a spiritual narcissist

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1) They give you down in the place of raising you up

Whether it is an expert or a pal in your life whom you believe is actually a spiritual narcissist, an easy way to inform is by how they make us feel.

Perform they use their particular spirituality to lift you, support you, that assist you find the right road, or do they normally use it to produce
you are feeling second-rate
so that as if you are on a diminished religious degree than these are generally?

For every their boasting, they ought to be therefore in contact with spirituality they know exactly how-to motivate you in yours. They must be the epitome of service (simply because they claim to know it all).

However, they aren’t.

Additionally the explanation would be that narcissists, of all of the types, should put you down to make on their own be more confident.

Although they do not act like it, their particular confidence is shaky, as well as the only way to support it again is through generating other individuals concern unique abilities and confidence.

2) They eliminate having responsibility

Another huge indicator that you are dealing with a spiritual narcissist is when they reject being used accountable for their particular measures.

Once they harm other people, there’s always a reason or it absolutely was somebody else’s mistake.

If they’re fixed on some thing in a conversation, instead of accepting they’ve made a blunder, they’ll fit everything in possible to combat their point.

Simply put – they’re very protective.

When considering
getting responsibility
, spiritual narcissists will happily simply take control with regards to puts them in an optimistic spotlight.

However if it’s something that they’ve done completely wrong, they’ll stay away from buying doing it no matter what.

Exactly Why?

As it would hurt their religious ego to acknowledge it, in the end, they truly are attempting to represent a graphic of all-knowing and superiority.

3) what can a talented expert say?

The indicators above and below in this essay will provide you with advisable of whether someone is a spiritual narcissist.

Having said that, it may be really rewarding to speak to a highly intuitive individual and obtain assistance from their store.

Capable answer all sorts of relationship questions and take away your concerns and worries.

Like, are they truly spiritual narcissists? How will you deal with all of them?

I recently talked to some one from

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after going right through a harsh plot during my union. After being missing inside my ideas for a long time, they provided me with an original understanding of in which my life was actually going, such as whom I became intended to be with.

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Within reading, a gifted specialist can reveal whether somebody is a spiritual narcissist & most notably encourage one make proper choices in terms of all of them.

4) They’re section of exclusive groups

So just how carry out spiritual narcissists cope with existence, if all this indicates they are doing is actually place individuals down and won’t get responsibility on their own?

Surely, they have to get called out-by people?

In an ideal globe, that is what would occur. But religious narcissists simply take measures to guard themselves.

And these may be found in the form of exclusive, “cool” groups or groups – generally meditation teams and yoga retreats.

Therefore when within class, the religious narcissist will encircle by themselves with like-minded folks.

It’s the narcissist’s means of keeping their own self-esteem large (there isn’t any a person to
criticize them
) and reinforcing the fact that whatever apply spiritually is appropriate.

The problem with this specific is they’re maybe not confronted with the real world, it’s like they have blinkers on and all of they could see is their opted for course ahead of them.

5) they normally use spirituality to show their unique points

But when they do touch others who question them, the spiritual narcissist will twist and adapt religious learnings to accommodate their discussion.

It happens alot in religion, for example, extremists who have interpreted and adjusted holy scriptures to match their unique politically-motivated reason.

Nonetheless it gets far worse:

a spiritual narcissist wont merely hold these twisted opinions to themselves, they are going to try and persuade other people that they’re correct.

And also quickly, having a logical talk together can start to feel like persistence.

6) Conversations constantly turn into discussions

On that notice – if you’ve ever handled a religious narcissist, you know exactly how hard truly having a healthy, fair discussion it doesn’t need a right or incorrect summation.

In other words:

Narcissists need to be correct (even when they are incorrect).

This will probably take a laid-back, friendly talk to a heated argument or
that ends up using them saying their particular dominance and overpowering the dialogue.

It’s not enjoyable for anybody.

In the place of speaking about spirituality and studying from both, the religious narcissist will make it all about their beliefs and latest religious trend that they’ve uncovered.

Plus whether or not it had been some thing honestly helpful or interesting,
they’re not just talking
regarding it, they may be trying to push individuals around them into genuinely believing in it.

Its all another form of needing recognition as well as appeasing the pride – after spiritual narcissist is actually “right”, the pride seems satisfied and strong.

7) They attempt to convert other individuals to “their unique means” of spirituality

That delivers you to our subsequent point – attempting to transform folks.

Those who think that their own faith or religion is preferable to other people will most likely really take the time to “help” people have onto the correct track (or whatever regard to-be suitable track).

This has been going on considering that the beginning of time, and it’s exactly how many for the significant globe religions spread around the world.

But what are there to do with spirituality?

Really, spiritual narcissists will use their unique spirituality in an attempt to press their own values onto other individuals as well.

They don’t honor that all individual must find their way with regards to spirituality and they’ll believe their way is the right way and soon you eventually throw in the towel or maybe just start staying away from all of them.

8) their own activities you should not fit their unique words

But despite the reality they are therefore cemented and dogmatic within their opinions, you’d be astonished at how much cash they do not exercise whatever preach.

Religious narcissists is certainly going above and beyond to criticize you and your viewpoints, however when it comes to unique, they are never ever during the incorrect.


The religious narcissist pal covers how much cash individuals must be uplifted and helped in their spiritual trip.

However, you find that whenever they are around people who find themselves beginning their spiritual trip, the narcissist is quick to appear down on all of them as well as make sure they are feel bad for perhaps not doing over they already are.

Keep an eye out, and you’ll see many inconsistencies in what a spiritual narcissist
says and does

9) They become they may be superior

And look out for an air of superiority – it is another classic telltale sign of a narcissist.

Their own religious pride is located at an all-time high, and they genuinely believe that they’re above everybody else, it doesn’t matter how much along they’re in their religious quest.

Even in the event they don’t really understand much about you, a narcissist will simply think that they may be better than you and they are a lot more spiritually sophisticated.

So how performs this superiority come from?

Really, the pride provides a practice of
and exaggerating the facts –  this causes the narcissist to think they are special and various different through the everyone else.

10) they truly are overly positive

You could be wondering, “just how can they be so good should they make other individuals think substandard?”.

Legal question – the narcissist is actually positive about their existence, definitely not about other people’s resides.

In addition to truth is:

They could not really have a great deal to be genuinely positive about, but because they’re attempting frantically to cover their unique insecurities and
, they will do just about anything to color a rosy picture of perfection.

You see, some people honestly value what they do have in daily life, but narcissists will attempt to represent their unique lives as actually over-the-top “amazing”.

From the salad they had at lunch into new refuge they will have just got straight back from, you’ll seldom notice a religious narcissist discuss the disadvantages.

And this is dangerous because they aren’t seeing globally with a healthy stability, the negatives are there any if they’re recognized or perhaps not.

But by curbing these emotions, the pride can continue steadily to believe everything is managed.

11) They constantly brag about their spirituality

Another classic indication of religious narcissism occurs when anyone cannot stop featuring exactly how spiritually conscious these are generally or how good they have mastered their particular spiritual rehearse.

However in achieving this, they skip that bragging goes against the basics to be spiritual to start with.

And, it can only helps make other people think bad therefore just acts to raise the pride – anything many people are attempting to move forward away from in the place of feed.

12) they do not have any interest in the entire world around them

For all the narcissists’ chat of spirituality, linking on a greater level, and helping folks around all of them, they generally are lacking any genuine fascination with globally.

Within their mind, they’ve got the answers, their unique beliefs tend to be fast as well as won’t need to engage with people or check out from their deepness.

Their unique degree of spirituality requires them above everybody else, you notice, so that they do not think that any such thing are attained when you’re around “ordinary” people or men and women significantly less religious than all of them.

What they don’t understand though would be that there’s a great deal of knowledge available inside the ordinary, often dull or boring, programs of existence.

And typically than not, it’s these real life encounters, perhaps not publications and scriptures, that links some body greater their spirituality.

13) Spirituality is about idea perhaps not practice

But that’s perhaps not the sole issue:

Religious narcissists tend to over-intellectualize spirituality.

In the place of putting every little thing they learn about to real usage, they’re going to waste most of their time in search of deeper definitions, reconfirming their own thinking, and examining their own thoughts.

And thus, they do not ever before actually go out into the globe and rehearse their own spirituality to treat and to connect to other individuals.

Their heads are trapped in scriptures and there’s only really you can discover from reading.

The remainder boils down to having actual life, having contacts with folks, and examining the globe – this is basically the stuff sticks and forces one to grow spiritually.

14) They act like they’re the savior of humankind

Sometimes, spiritual narcissists think it is their duty to save lots of worldwide.

They look for authoritative roles like getting a spiritual chief or guru. Some actually establish a messiah complex where they feel their unique future in life becoming a savior to others.

But this makes good sense:

Narcissists crave interest, they love experiencing responsible as well as wish daring, loud accomplishments that can further improve their ego.

Thus becoming an expert with 500,000 Instagram supporters does just the trick.

Today, not just may be the ego satisfied, however the narcissist can fulfill their particular aspire to influence other people – and contour these to follow their own method of spirituality.

15) They may be better at speaking than at listening

Another sign of narcissism which frequently overlooked is the failure to target and
pay attention
, especially when the discussion is not streaming the direction they want it to.

Once the narcissist really does participate in the dialogue, it’s because they want to obtain point across, never to link or talk about tactics.

They are rapid to force their unique ideas across, defensive when pushed and they can’t stand someone else taking the spotlight.

But you’ll find exceptions.

a spiritual narcissist will only try to notice out people that they respect – folks that they look at as greater within their spirituality or a person that is actually an “expert” in the field.

16) They don’t reveal their particular genuine selves

All of our final point gives all of us toward substance of spirituality – locating a definition, or objective alive, and hooking up on a greater amount with yourself sufficient reason for other individuals.

But a religious narcissist does the alternative with this.

They don’t deal with their unique fears, cope with their insecurities, and strive to treat their particular wounds (while they’ll preach to everyone otherwise about carrying it out).

As an alternative, they’ll conceal each one of these “negative” parts of their particular existence and simply program the facial skin they demand individuals see.

The fact remains:

They restrict themselves from having real {experiences|encounters